2 Linkadell Villas




    PL7 4ES


                     BANK ACCOUNT


  Account Name: EMERALD ARK

  Account No.: 81471244

  Sort Code: 40 05 08

  HSBC Bank plc



Emerald Ark


EMERALD ARK is a Christian-based charity, registered in the UK (No. 1135263). It was created to raise funds to support projects in Northern Mozambique, with the following aims :-

- to prevent or relieve poverty.

- to relieve sickness and to promote and  

  preserve good health.

- to advance education.

- to support the Christian faith.


EMERALD ARK works through the Mozambican registered organisation, "A Arca de Esperanca". This was founded by Gillian Harris, from the UK, who has been resident in Mozambique since 1994.


Gillian works with a team of local people, who are led by Domingos Camisa. 








